martes, 28 de junio de 2011

June 27 to July first

Video of ethics and volues

Expressions of personal values
A principal value is a foundation upon which other values and measures of integrity are based. Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior. For example, if you value equal rights for all and you go to work for an organization that treats its managers much better than it does its workers, you may form the attitude that the company is an unfair place to work; consequently, you may not produce well or may perhaps leave the company. It is likely that if the company had had a more egalitarian policy, your attitude and behaviors would have been more positive.

Modesty and personal appearance

The appearance of each person is different my appearance is that every time I leave my house is well dressed and washed out walking my clothes clean and clean well.

How should men and women dress

The way people dress is different from the women what men should wear pants or tight levis or watery well tucked her chemise women with their skirts or pants.

june 20-24


Ethics and Values 

My personal ethical development was based on how I was raised by my parents and the different influences I had from people outside my immediate family. Growing up I was taught to have extreme respect for my elders, speak only when I was spoken to, etc. I also had a great amount of contact with adults more than most children do.

What should teenagers have to get permission for?
We have to get permission for getting out to parties to drive my parents cars to go to other places with people that are not our parents permission to drink and smoke in front of my parents.

Private Property
We have to respect the things that are on private properties that are not our things and some are on private properties because the owners of these things do not want society see them or toch them.

Expotec 2011

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

13 17 june

1.- Do you have a computer ?
Yes  I have a cpmputer at home.

2.- What computer accsesories do you have?
I have the two speakers a mouse a monitor and a printer.

3.- Which would you like to have?
I would lilke to have a laptop HP PAVILION.

4.- Where can you get the lattest information on computer and electronic products?
I can find the lattest information and online catalog.

5.- What are Computers, accesories, subware, photo, video, audio, appliances, entertainment?
They are accsesories of the computers.

6.- What computer brand do you recomend. ¿Why?
I recomend tu use HP COMPAQ because is very cool and it cheaper.

7.- Do you know what is a trableshot?
I don¨t know what is the trableshot use too.

8.- Do you know what are computers commands?
Yes I know Alt.64 Control C and Control V.

9.- Please describe your computer. ¿How do you use it?
My computer color is all black and I use it to do homeworks and chech the Email.

10.- Are you a computer addict?
No I´am not a computer addict because i don´t use me computer everyday.

11.- What do you think about the internet?
I think that the internet is a very interesting tool for our education.

12.- What kinds of problems have you had with the internet?
The problemas I have with the internet is that sometimes is very slow.


Educational Technology is an innovative way to design, deliver, facilitate, and manage instruction for learners of all ages, whether it is face-to-face in a classroom, online, or a combination of methods.

Technology in our livies nowadays constantly seems to seep its way into our daily routines. Everything we do is somehow connected with technology, whether it be working on a paper in the computer lab.The task of technology is to create a better, and easier living for ourselves and for the world; it's intentions are only positive, unless looked on in the subject matter of destruction, warfare or terrorism.

                                                               Life in Cyberspace

Life with Cyber Space is a very unique thing.It really is a life aside from your real world life.With very few exceptions, there isn't anything you can't do on-line.You can even have a cyber marriage performed and if it doesn't work...a cyber divorce too.And without even typing a word you can tell someone how you are feeling.
You can meet people, make friends, make enemies,listen to music, send cards, join a society, purchase whatever, get the news or the weather,get medical advice, find out what is on TV, if you even watch it anymore,keep a journal, view artwork and get all the information on things youdidn't even know exsisted.


Benefits  of identity in cyberspace could involve the development of social skills, or the unearthing of one's true character to then be reflected in reality. An example of this is the outlet the internet provides for the gay community. As it is still largely anonymous, it makes coming out far less intimidating and a lot easier.


Disadvantages of identity in cyberspace could involve emotional attachment and dependence on the internet, the loss of social skills and retraction from civilized society. An example of this could be found in the online gaming world of Second Life.

6 10 junio

30 3 junio

30 3 junio

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011


Discuss about pieces of art and artists

Vincent Van Gogh

Pablo Picasso

Claude Monet

Prehistorics Paintings

May 23-27

The National Anthropology Museum

It is located in Mexico City on Avenida Paseo de la Reforma and Calzada Gandhi in colonia Chapultepec Polanco. The nearest subway stations are Auditorio and Chapultepec. The museo Nacional de Antropologia open on 1971, in a fine new building by arquitect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. The ground floor focuses on the native cultures and sociaty of Mexico. The famous Aztec Sun Stone is only a small part of the fantastic collection of artwork from de indigenous population of Mexico. It is in room seven (Sala Mexica) of the museum. IT was discovered buried beneth the Zocalo in 1790, it was originally thought to be a Calender, and for brief time, a sacrificial altar. In the stone's center is the Sun God Tonatiuh. The Aztecs believed that prior to there existence, the world had gone through four periods ("Suns") of creation and destruction. The ring around the panels is filled with symbols representing the Tweenty Days of the Aztecs Month. Finally two snakes from an outer ring and point to a date, 1011 a.d. when the Fifth Sun (The Aztecs current world) was created.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


Monday  Museum of art.
I recomend this museum because is very interesting the paintings that are there.

This painting has become so popular over the past centuries that it was insured in 1962 for a $100 Million at that time. Considering inflation, this painting would be insured for nearly 3/4 of a Billion Dollars in today's dollars.  is without a doubt, a France National Treasure and barring France going bankrupt, this painting will never see the likes of Sotheboy¨s or Christies Auction House anytime in the near  future.

Tueseday What does art mean to me.
is it something of beauty? something to express your feelings? something that comes from your heart? or your mind?

The artist of who I¨am going to talk is of Pablo Picasso:

The legend of Pablo Picasso began at 11:15 pm, 25th October 1881, Malaga, Spain, where his uncle supposedly saved him from suffocation at birth by blowing cigar smoke into his face and making him cry.

During his life Picasso passed through many phases, both artistically and personally, including Modernism, his Blue and Pink period, and Cubism, to name a few.

Picasso discovered modernism while recovering from Scarlet Fever at age 16. By this time Picasso was already recognised as a gifted painter and his work had been exhibited in Barcelona. Picasso was so excited about Modernism that he and a friend moved in 1900 to Paris to rub shoulders with the Modernist masters of the time.
 Wednesday. Active- Passive voice Tutorial.

Thursday Visit of museum.

I will like to meet the museums of Cananea because I don¨t know them the museums is not a passion for me but I could go to visit some museums to see what kinds of things could I found and see on I museum. 

Friday Suggestions for my English teacher.

I can give one suggestion to my teacher can be don¨t drink alcoholis drinks don¨t drive and drink stay on your house and see alot of movies and pass to much time with your sons.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

April 4-8 Monday Video Report

Monday Video Report

Unit 7

1.- They are seeing diferenttypes of colors and asking what color makes feel more happy or sad or tired and they are fighting because know one agree with the color of the other people and they are disagree in what color they want to paint the walls.

2.- Marie is so quiet and doctor cheer is giong to help Marie so she can laugh but doesn´t work and then doctor cheer give her a chocolate and Marie isn´t quiet anymore she is happy with the chocolate that doctor cheer give her.

3.- Is like a survey asking to diferent people how diferent are they from his brothers what kind of personalities have each one.


This quiz is very interesting and very entertainment we should do all the quizes on the internet its more faster and we learn more.


My opinion of Brooke Ellison is that she is very strong to dont feel bad about what happens to her she dont feel bad she try to go foward and she graduates from Harvard with many problems about her sickness but she never give up.

If I were on his shoes with that problem a will try to kill myself so I dont feel bad with me and to not see that mi family is sufering I kill me and like that my family will sufer less than if I were with that problem.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011



Introvert or extrovert personality

Introvert.-  Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy.Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings.They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy.

Extrovert.- A person who is friendly and outgoing. While that may be true, that is not the true meaning of extroversion. Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.


Birth Order

Im the second one of tree boys. For me birth order is the theory of outlines four types of personalities- first borns, second borns, only's and youngests. If you were 3rd of six children then circumstances would have meant that you either functioned predominantly like one of the big four above.


Personality of a person you know well.

Alonso personality.- He worries a lot,is inventive,does things efficiently,likes to cooperate with others,has an active imagination,is ingenious, a deep thinker,is a reliable worker,is talkative,remains calm in tense situations.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

MARCH 14- 18

1.- Blue   Spontaneous and great. love life
2.- J         Lots of love and friendship.
3.-April    Strong love relationship.
4.-Black   Your life will change for the better.
5.-Alonso This person is your best friend.
6.-7          This is how many close friends youwill have in your life.
7.-Driving You are laid black.
8.-Oceans You are spontaneous

Thursday Reading And Comprehension

I understand that the colors  can capture our attention and can irritate our eyes and have a persuasive force another thins is that wrongs colors can make a product faild but right colors can make a great product and we can use colors for everathing examples like web design architecture interiors and for many things we can imagine.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011


A family is going to eat roast chiken baken potatoes salad and a lot of  vegetables but for Bob the only thing he is going to eat are vegetables because he is a diet but he don t waant to eat because he does not want to eat vegetables only.

They finish the dinner and start to eat sweet cookies but not to Bob because of his diet but Bob stole the cookies to eat them all but Bobs family knows that he take the cookies and he return the cookies and do not eat cookies.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

March 7-11 International buffet

February 28-March 4 Lifestyle


My lifestyle from Monday to Friday is wake up at 8:30 A.M then I have a shower have my breakfast wash my teeths and go to school from 12:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. then I go to home and sleep to wake up earlier when I have homeworks and on the weekends I wake up at  10:00 a.m. and have breakfast and go out to wash the cars and at the night I go to visit my grilfriend and see movies o go to have a ride.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

February 21 to 25

My ideal menu

Hot cakes      
Salad Fruit

I have one meal that is breakfast only.
I have the breakfast only because I dont have time too eat in school and I dont have money to buy in school.
I hardlyever eat vegetables because I dont like them.
I eat meat one time a week.
I eat seafood one time a week.
I dont eat eggs because i dont like them.
I dont eat vegetables every day because I dont like them all.
I eat fruits one time per day.
I eat nuts only on December.
I eat whole grains every day.
From Monday to Friday I eat breakfast at 10 A.m.
From Monday to Friday I eat snacks two times a week.

This week was very interesting because I learn more how to use the blog and in classroom I feel good whith my teacher and my classmates.


miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

hw wednesday 16 2011

Top notch: I do not use this book last semester and I think that will be more easy using this book so we can practice more in what I don´t agree io on the price is very expensive the book.

Blog: Is very very hard to learn this thing named blog I don´t like it I don´t know nothing about that.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

hw tuesday 15 february 2011

Commitment: My commitment for this class will be to be earlier every day to class learn more english and got good grades.

Procedures: I want that the teacher put me only one hundreds on the grades cards and i hope that the class is going to be very easy and interesting.

hw tuesday 15

Commitment: My commitment for english class is too be earlier every day to learn more things that i dont know try to learn more english a have very very good grades only 100.

Class Procedures: My procedures for this cla

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

hw monday 14

well this thing is very hard to use it i don not understand so much this kind of program or system wahtever this thing is i prefer tu use the classroom and the notebook this thing is very very very very harder.


jose coronado english 6 I.E 2-3