miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

May 23-27

The National Anthropology Museum

It is located in Mexico City on Avenida Paseo de la Reforma and Calzada Gandhi in colonia Chapultepec Polanco. The nearest subway stations are Auditorio and Chapultepec. The museo Nacional de Antropologia open on 1971, in a fine new building by arquitect Pedro Ramirez Vazquez. The ground floor focuses on the native cultures and sociaty of Mexico. The famous Aztec Sun Stone is only a small part of the fantastic collection of artwork from de indigenous population of Mexico. It is in room seven (Sala Mexica) of the museum. IT was discovered buried beneth the Zocalo in 1790, it was originally thought to be a Calender, and for brief time, a sacrificial altar. In the stone's center is the Sun God Tonatiuh. The Aztecs believed that prior to there existence, the world had gone through four periods ("Suns") of creation and destruction. The ring around the panels is filled with symbols representing the Tweenty Days of the Aztecs Month. Finally two snakes from an outer ring and point to a date, 1011 a.d. when the Fifth Sun (The Aztecs current world) was created.

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