jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


Monday  Museum of art.
I recomend this museum because is very interesting the paintings that are there.

This painting has become so popular over the past centuries that it was insured in 1962 for a $100 Million at that time. Considering inflation, this painting would be insured for nearly 3/4 of a Billion Dollars in today's dollars.  is without a doubt, a France National Treasure and barring France going bankrupt, this painting will never see the likes of Sotheboy¨s or Christies Auction House anytime in the near  future.

Tueseday What does art mean to me.
is it something of beauty? something to express your feelings? something that comes from your heart? or your mind?

The artist of who I¨am going to talk is of Pablo Picasso:

The legend of Pablo Picasso began at 11:15 pm, 25th October 1881, Malaga, Spain, where his uncle supposedly saved him from suffocation at birth by blowing cigar smoke into his face and making him cry.

During his life Picasso passed through many phases, both artistically and personally, including Modernism, his Blue and Pink period, and Cubism, to name a few.

Picasso discovered modernism while recovering from Scarlet Fever at age 16. By this time Picasso was already recognised as a gifted painter and his work had been exhibited in Barcelona. Picasso was so excited about Modernism that he and a friend moved in 1900 to Paris to rub shoulders with the Modernist masters of the time.
 Wednesday. Active- Passive voice Tutorial.

Thursday Visit of museum.

I will like to meet the museums of Cananea because I don¨t know them the museums is not a passion for me but I could go to visit some museums to see what kinds of things could I found and see on I museum. 

Friday Suggestions for my English teacher.

I can give one suggestion to my teacher can be don¨t drink alcoholis drinks don¨t drive and drink stay on your house and see alot of movies and pass to much time with your sons.

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